
We welcome the submission of articles or reviews in, but not limited to, the following fields:

  1. Mechanical and mechatronic engineering;
  2. Mechanisms analysis and synthesis;
  3. Dynamics of mechanisms and machines;
  4. Mechanical transmissions;
  5. Biomechanics;
  6. Precision mechanics;
  7. Design, analysis, and optimization of mechanical and mechatronic systems and mechanical mechanisms, including electrically operated ones;
  8. Automation and control;
  9. New technologies and control methods in mechanical and mechatronic systems;
  10. Intelligent control systems, adaptive control algorithms, and their application in mechatronic mechanisms/assemblies;
  11. Industrial robotics and autonomous mobility;
  12. Recent developments in industrial robotics;
  13. Serial and parallel robots;
  14. Mobile robots;
  15. Collaborative robots;
  16. Micro and nano robots;
  17. Medical robots;
  18. Teleoperation, haptics, and virtual reality;
  19. Handling objects;
  20. Navigation and autonomous mobility systems (electrically operated);
  21. Energy and power sources and mechatronic and electro-mechanical systems;
  22. New energy storage technologies;
  23. Renewable energy sources and electric propulsion systems in cars and other vehicles;
  24. Sensors and actuators;
  25. Artificial intelligence;
  26. Ways to improve the performance and efficiency of sensors and actuators in electrically operated mechanisms;
  27. Computer-aided design and manufacturing;
  28. Computer simulations and computer-aided design;
  29. Computational and experimental methods;
  30. CAD in mechanism and machine design;
  31. 3D printing and other emerging technologies;
  32. Artificial intelligence in mechatronics;
  33. Artificial intelligence in mechanical and mechatronic systems;
  34. Computer vision;
  35. Motion planning in the context of electrically operated mechanisms;
  36. Human–machine interaction and user interfaces;
  37. Intuitive user interfaces;
  38. Virtual/augmented reality technologies;
  39. MEMS/NEMS;
  40. Micromechanisms and microactuators;
  41. Microprocessing;
  42. Micro–nano characterizations of thin films.

Teoria Mecanismelor și a Roboților



  • +40 786 888 876